Meal Preparaton My top 5 Tips:
For Efficient, Fast and Easy Healthy Meals
Often clients come to me and explain how difficult meal preparation can be and how they stubble with time management an getting organised to prep there meals within there busy schedule. This often means grabbing poor nutritionally adequate foods or snacking rather than eating complete meals. Remember every time you skip a meal your metabolism goes into shock, it thinks the body is fasting and switches into "starvation" mode which means when you consume your next meal the body will hold onto the nutrients longer and not burn them off as fast, slowing your energy utilisation therefor slowing your metabolism. A slower metabolism= slower weight loss or muscular gains.
When you snack and often miss protein with meals as many clients do when grabbing a few nuts or a piece of fruit as a meal your insulin levels are not balanced within the body and your blood sugar levels will rise and fall causing spikes in insulin and possibly cortisol, causing internal stress on the body. Missing meals or protein can also cause cravings due to the changes in blood sugar levels and cause you to make unhealthy choices. Protein aids in balancing out blood sugar levels as it causes little to no insulin spike and is broken down slowly along with fats, unlike carbohydrates. So to avoid the above and assure you do not skip meals or miss having complete meals stick to the below top tips for efficient meal prep!
Top 5 Tips Meal Prep:
1. Write a shopping list
It doesn't have to be lengthy, but every week pick a day where you will do your shopping, make sure you pre-plan what you buy so when you get to the supermarket you are A .effiecient and B. make smart choices and C. Save time and money. Always have the following staples in your pantry/fridge:
Wide Selection of proteins: Lean meats, poultry, seafood, some pre-cooked meats for easy use such as a cooked chicken, cottage cheese
Fast and easy options: Assorted nuts (unsalted of course), Protein powder or medical grade meal replacement shakes, frozen veggies, eggs, cheese, frozen berries, nut butter, coconut oil, primal greens powders to add to shakes
Organisation tools: Scales, BPA free contains, protein shakers, zip lock bags or plastic wrap for freezing foods, steaming bags, baking bags
Staple ingredients: Wide selection of leafy greens (often pre-washed is good fast option), variety of veggies & some fruits, natural yoghurt, some grains such as quinoa, almond meal, buckwheat, brown rice, sweet potato, herbs for cooking, garlic, ginger, rosemary etc
One of my food shops!
2. Plan your week ahead of time
Write down a weekly schedule of what you are planning to eat on what days, if you have a large family this really helps, it means every knows what is being eaten preparation for dinner on what night and allows everyone to chip in in the meal or defrosting meats etc. Just a rough plan e.g breakfast monday- eggs, mid morning- protein shake, greens, nuts, lunch- chicken salad, afternoon snack- cottage cheese& celery, dinner- fish and veggies. It will also help with your shopping list and planning and assist you in finding foods to leave at work on in your car if your out and about. Planning a weak ahead also allows yourself the possibility of a treat meal e.g plan to eat well monday to friday, saturday allow yourself a meal out with a friend or a cheat of your favourite meal like ice-cream or gluten free pizza, you will feel your have truly earnt it and something to look forward to!
3. Be organised and Pre-Prep Foods
Make sure at the beginning of the weak you have adequate containers, protein shakers etc to place meals in. Always have a shaker with you in case of emergency and keep protein in it, simply add water when you require a meal. Even buy some ground greens such as primal or vital greens to add to protein shake for extra fibre and nutrients.
Pre-prep as many items as you can, at the beginning of the week I like to pre chop and wash vegetables such as celery, carrot, capsicum, snow peas, these can be left in the fridge and thrown into meals with some fresh greens and your meat for an easy meal. Pre-cook lean meats and weight out your portions into individual containers so it is very easy to add your live foods (vegetables etc) and good fats to (avocado, nuts, seeds, oils etc). Check which meats need to be defrosted each night and pull out of freezer. Pre-make a set of protein bars or protein balls and keep in the freezer for an easy snack/meal. I will post some simple protein bar/ball recipes/links.
Below is my meal prep
4. Time is often money
Often it may be cheaper to buy the prawns with the shell on or tails on but this may mean another 20 minutes in the kitchen prepping your meals, sometimes it is more efficient although may cost you a little more to buy pre-prepped meals. This is the same for salad bags, often a fresh bunch of spinach compared to a bags pre-washed may be $1 more but save you 10 minutes in the kitchen and you may find you use it faster and don't end up wasting as much. Frozen vegetables and steamer bags are a great idea, frozen vegetables do not loose nutrient value but it is always good to keep a mix of fresh and frozen foods. Once you finish your portion of your meal, put said left overs for your next meal, this prevents over eating and saves you time in prepping.
5. Get children/family/housemates Involved
If your a parent in particular get kids involved in the meal prep, they will be more inclined to eat it if they have helped cook it and it means quality family time as well as assisting you in the dinner preparation and cook enough for left overs for lunch! Kids or other family members will also learn about healthy food ideas and preparation from assisting you with your meal and produce healthy habits within themselves.
Hope this helps and remember, no excuses, stay organised and motivated !
Alice xx
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