Competition: Its a journey, challenge and not always easy! |
NABBA/WFF WA 2012 1st Place Sports Model |
I haven't posted since I posted over 6 months ago about coming up to my first competition and a lot has changed since March IFBB my first every competition. I have learnt a lot about the sport and a lot about the industry and the more i compete the more I love it, the thrill on stage, the feeling of achievement, no matter if you place or not but knowing you have truly challenged yourself to get your body into peak condition.
Everyone competes for different reasons and for me its 2 reasons:
1. To challenge myself, to better my last physique on stage and improve on my weaknesses until they are my strengths, to transform and shape my body
2. To give myself confidence and others confidence to take that step out of your comfort zone and do something a little different!
INBA WA 2nd Place (2nd comp) |
After that first comp I wanted to do it all again, but better! It did put me off a little but not enough, I love a good challenge and 4 weeks later I competed in another competition and placed 2nd I was wrapped but still had a little work to do on posing, a week later my 3d competition I won overall in WA and then went on to represent WA at the nationals for NABBA/WFF and placed 2nd at nationals in the short class. From coming from no stage presence, no confidence in March, to rocking it and feeling confidence, energetic and positive at nationals in May I knew that it was a sport I could really enjoy! Its more about the journey for me than the placings, I'm no longer scared to get up on stage but excited! Its your 45 seconds to shine, sometimes even less, it goes by so fast but you have to sit back and enjoy the ride and think I have worked by butt off for 2/3/4 months however long and I'm going to rock this and shine on stage!
Not only that but i changed up my diet and training form the first competition to the consecutive competitions with help from professionals in the industry and my own research as the diet I was on at the beginning competition was un-sustaibable, made me moody, tired, lethargic and i couldn't function, I'm completing my masters degree and I was falling asleep at University I needed something manageable. So I changed my diet adding in a lot more food as i believed my body was actually in starvation mode and storing the small amounts of food i was giving it as my weight/BF% was staying the same, once i added more foods i actually got leaner! My shape changed, my abs became more defined and i had energy coming out of my ears! I had found a healthy balance now where I can accommodate training, university, work and of cause clean nutrition, I'm not at all saying its easy I work my butt off everyday but it can be done.
NABBA/WFF Nationals 2nd Place |
NABBA/WFF National 2nd Place Short |
I will generally begin my day at 4.50am either to train myself or clients, then either off to university to finish my masters degree, online programs or in store work at Muscle Worx or training more clients. I consume 5-7 meals per day including pre/post training meals and try to fit these in no matter how busy I am I never miss a meal. I carry around a handy 6 pack bag where I fit all my meals, shakes, vitamins, fluids etc in for the day so I have no reason to cheat or miss a meal. I will either train again in the evening or afternoon and then clients again. By the time I get home its usually after 8pm and then its dinner time, meal prep for the next day, washing clothes/dishes, checking emails, doing more university work or organising clients. I do my bulk of my meal prep on a sunday to save me time during the week I pre cook mountains of rice, sweet potato, veggies, lean meats, and weigh out other parts of my diet such as proteins, nuts, healthy fats and post workout meals etc. It is very time consuming but saves me time later in the week.
I train different amounts depending on what phase I'm in of training and competition prep in the off season I would train weights heavy 4-5 times per week, I love to lift and feel strong! I would generally do 1-2 HITT sessions and 1 steady state cardio session and possibly a yoga/pilates or long relaxing walk on the beach if I can fit it in. I find cardio relaxes me and lets me zone out from the world and really start the day with a positive attitude. I train sometimes full body programs and sometimes split, I mix it up dependent again on my goals and always mix up exercises, tempos, rep ranges and recovery periods to give my body a shock.
Leading up to competitions this may increase depending on my body fat and conditioning, I always have 1 day off per week even during competition for rest, recovery and growth.
80% of what you do in the gym can be outdone by poor nutrition and I firmly believe that! You truly cannot out train a bad diet. My nutrition again changes around my goals and dates for competitions. In the off season I enjoy a wide variety of foods and like to experiment with new ingredients, recipes and fresh local produce. I try not to restrict myself from food to much as I feel this can cause cravings, I will try make healthier alternatives of meals or have small portions of naughty treats to not deprive myself. I enjoy a wide variety of wholegrain carbohydrates low GI, low sugar and generally gluten free, lean proteins from animal and non-animal sources, lean dairy, plenty of fruit and vegetables daily and good healthy fats. I also supplement things I feel my diet may be lacking in such as magnesium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and my post workout nutritional supplements.
In season I take a few more supplements when I begin to change and limit certain foods, I often add in an iron supplement if I'm limiting red meat and legumes and take a good multi vitamin to keep my energy levels up also and make sure I am getting in a complete micronutrient profile.
Diet is very specific to the individual an it is always important to seek an experts advice when it comes to this, not one diet will work for everyone you need to find what works for YOU and find a healthy balance that is achievable and sustainable with your food choices.
Try not to buy into fad diets or gimmicks, make sure there is scientific evidence to back it all up and again ask professionals about it.
People often ask me: But i want to know exactly what special foods you eat?? What fat burners you take?? What exact training you do?? How many calories you eat?? To be perfectly honest there is no one answer to that, I work my butt off and find what works for me and stick to it, theres no short cuts, no easy answers unfortunately, but I think that makes the whole experience sweeter :)
At the end of the day its a big commitment, decide wether your ready to commit to the training and nutrition and possibly your social life for a while. Or if you would rather focus on other goals and maybe book yourself in for a photo shoot or reward yourself with a holiday etc for achieving them. Find goals that are attainable and suit your lifestyle and work forward from there. At the end of the day don't let anyone push you into competing, do it because your doing it for yourself and you love it know one else :)
If your thinking about competing get a supportive network of professionals around you to help you achieve your goals, don't go it alone get help and encouragement along the way, I myself am a coach but even have my own coach. I believe every coach needs a coach! Have an amazing day and dream big! Believe you can do it and your halfway there
Also and very important have a supportive network of friends and family, you will have up and down days and remember to spend time with loved ones and keep your head grounded, I want to thank all of my amazing friends and family and clients for the continual support, love and encouragement from them even on my bad days! In particular my 2 best friends Bek and Ceris, they keep me grounded and tell me to pull my head in when I need it :) They even become my cardio buddies or go on green tea dates to accommodate the lifestyle near comp and support me, love you both!!!!
Alice xx
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