Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Fight the cold and flu season!

My top tips for Cold and Flu Remedies:

Its that time of the year, cold and flu season! Everyone seems to be run down and the flu is going around. I have just been wiped  out by it and wanted to give you all my top tips for fast, healthy and a safe recovery. Remember that supplementation or nutritional recommendations are individual and these are just some suggestions that may help you fight the cold and flu seasons, boost your immune system and support your adrenal function. Who's got time to be sick when its time to train! :)
Try to think food first, what foods are rich in immune boosting vitamins and minerals?? If you can't get it from food then look into supplementation options but always aim to get it from food where you can as it is much better absorbed within the body.

1. Vitamin C: 
Citrus fruits, broccoli, sweet potato, strawberries and many other fruits and veg, sooth a sore throat with some fresh lemon juice in some green tea with a dash of honey. 

Has been shown to increase the production of white blood cells and antibodies which aid in decreasing infection and fighting harmful bacteria.

Around 200mg a day is recommended, although this can be slightly increased in times of weak immunity as also post training.

2. Zinc: 
Lamb, beef, oats, yoghurt, beans, nuts/seeds, dark chocolate and cocoa powder, make yourself a breakfast with a few soaked oats, almonds, yoghurt and some raw cacao for flavour and zinc. 

Increases the amount of infection fighting T-Cells.

3. Omega 3 fatty acids: 
Fish oil, chia seeds, flaxseed oil/seeds

Have been shown to lower the severity of respiratory infections, acting as immune boosters by increasing phagocytosis. 

4. Eating a well balanced diet: 
Eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, variety of lean meats and or vegetarian alternatives as well as  some quality essential fatty acids will allow your body to not be deprived of any vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins that will assist in your recovery. Aim not to skimp on any food groups and aim to achieve nutrient balance. Alternatively if your not hungry aim to get in a super greens/pharma greens or a good quality multi-vitamin

Performing any strenuous exercise that highly increases your heart rate can often pump your virus/flu around your body faster possibly making it worse and longer recovery. If your immune system is already down and you then put it under a greater amount of stress it may lead to longer and more chronic issues such as chronic fatigue. Keep active with gentle exercise that doesn't increase heart rate dramatically such as a gentle walk, light lifting of weights, yoga or stretching session.

6. Fluids and hydration:
Aids in keeping your digestive system functioning effectively and also detoxifying any harmful bacteria or antibodies building up within the body. Will aid in filtering out toxic waste products and cleaning out the body. Also aids in carrying vital minerals and nutrients around the body as well as oxygen. Try potassium rich foods to keep up your electrolyte content e.g Bananas 

7. Garlic: 
As well as being a heart friendly food garlic is great for reducing cold and flu systems by again having immune boosting sulfur compounds.
Garlic also has antioxidant benefits to help fight free-radicals within the body

8. Greens:
Dark greens in particular are high in phytochemicals, which aid in improved immune function. You can never get enough! Also very high in vitamin C and fibre for your digestive health.
My favourite super greens: Kale, spinach, broccoli!

Lack of sleep can reduce your immune function, aim for a minimum of 8 hours per night

Rest up and take care. Alice xx


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