Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Fight the cold and flu season!

My top tips for Cold and Flu Remedies:

Its that time of the year, cold and flu season! Everyone seems to be run down and the flu is going around. I have just been wiped  out by it and wanted to give you all my top tips for fast, healthy and a safe recovery. Remember that supplementation or nutritional recommendations are individual and these are just some suggestions that may help you fight the cold and flu seasons, boost your immune system and support your adrenal function. Who's got time to be sick when its time to train! :)
Try to think food first, what foods are rich in immune boosting vitamins and minerals?? If you can't get it from food then look into supplementation options but always aim to get it from food where you can as it is much better absorbed within the body.

1. Vitamin C: 
Citrus fruits, broccoli, sweet potato, strawberries and many other fruits and veg, sooth a sore throat with some fresh lemon juice in some green tea with a dash of honey. 

Has been shown to increase the production of white blood cells and antibodies which aid in decreasing infection and fighting harmful bacteria.

Around 200mg a day is recommended, although this can be slightly increased in times of weak immunity as also post training.

2. Zinc: 
Lamb, beef, oats, yoghurt, beans, nuts/seeds, dark chocolate and cocoa powder, make yourself a breakfast with a few soaked oats, almonds, yoghurt and some raw cacao for flavour and zinc. 

Increases the amount of infection fighting T-Cells.

3. Omega 3 fatty acids: 
Fish oil, chia seeds, flaxseed oil/seeds

Have been shown to lower the severity of respiratory infections, acting as immune boosters by increasing phagocytosis. 

4. Eating a well balanced diet: 
Eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, variety of lean meats and or vegetarian alternatives as well as  some quality essential fatty acids will allow your body to not be deprived of any vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins that will assist in your recovery. Aim not to skimp on any food groups and aim to achieve nutrient balance. Alternatively if your not hungry aim to get in a super greens/pharma greens or a good quality multi-vitamin

Performing any strenuous exercise that highly increases your heart rate can often pump your virus/flu around your body faster possibly making it worse and longer recovery. If your immune system is already down and you then put it under a greater amount of stress it may lead to longer and more chronic issues such as chronic fatigue. Keep active with gentle exercise that doesn't increase heart rate dramatically such as a gentle walk, light lifting of weights, yoga or stretching session.

6. Fluids and hydration:
Aids in keeping your digestive system functioning effectively and also detoxifying any harmful bacteria or antibodies building up within the body. Will aid in filtering out toxic waste products and cleaning out the body. Also aids in carrying vital minerals and nutrients around the body as well as oxygen. Try potassium rich foods to keep up your electrolyte content e.g Bananas 

7. Garlic: 
As well as being a heart friendly food garlic is great for reducing cold and flu systems by again having immune boosting sulfur compounds.
Garlic also has antioxidant benefits to help fight free-radicals within the body

8. Greens:
Dark greens in particular are high in phytochemicals, which aid in improved immune function. You can never get enough! Also very high in vitamin C and fibre for your digestive health.
My favourite super greens: Kale, spinach, broccoli!

Lack of sleep can reduce your immune function, aim for a minimum of 8 hours per night

Rest up and take care. Alice xx


Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Homemade Protein Chocolate!

Chocolate Coconut Protein
Clean, homemade, quick, easy and TASTY!

I know I have a terrible sweet tooth and when I'm craving something tasty that doesn't have all the additives such as refined sugars, artificial sweeteners and or dairy free I whip up some of this delicious Chocolate Protein. It is still high in fats although "good fats" but much lower in in carbohydrates in particular those derived from sugar than your store brought chocolate and a lot higher in protein. It is also dairy free for those of you who cannot have normal chocolate due to this issue with milk solids.
I like to experiment with it and try different combinations and I have listed my favourites below. Enjoy and try not to devour all of it as its quit energy dense! Tastes like coconut rough & ferrero rochere combined only better and healthier! :)

Chocolate Coconut Protein 

  • 1/3 cup coconut oil melted
  • 5 Scoops chocolate protein powder (I used choc proto whey)
  • 1/4 cup raw cacao powder
  • Dash vanilla bean extract
  • Tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • Small handful crushed nuts of choice (I used walnuts)
  • 1/8 cup warm water
  • 2 Tbsp sugar free hot chocolate (natvia) or add some stevia/xylitol natural sweetener approx. 2 tsp 
  • Melt coconut oil
  • Mix protein powder, hot chocolate with the warm water
  • Add protein mix to raw cacao and coconut oil
  • Add in cinnamon, vanilla
  • Mix through coconut and nuts
  • Pour into a thin pan approx 2cm thick, top with some shredded coconut, should be runny but slightly firm
  • Set in freezer until firm

Other Varieties: 

Chocolate Fruit and Nut: Replace shredded coconut with some berries, I like a mix of raspberries and blueberries and used macadamia nuts instead of walnuts

White Chocolate Almond Crunch: Replace chocolate protein with vanilla and remove raw cacoa, add in extra vanilla extract, stevia vanilla and crushed almonds and 1/4 cup oats

Chocolate Mint Slice: Replace vanilla extract with mint extract

Mocha Chocolate: Replace chocolate protein with mocha or alternatively use above recipe and replace sugar free hot chocolate with 1 shot espresso. Remove shredded coconut and add crushed nuts and possibly some oats.

Be creative and mix it up try using the following ingredients: Different flavoured protein e.g cookies and cream, use different fruits, different nuts, grains and seeds e.g pepitas, sunflower seeds, flax, oats, quinoa flakes. Experiment with essences and flavourings such as cinnamon, nutmeg, even spices cayenne pepper chocolate! Play around with quantities to suit the macros of your nutritional plans or guidelines.

Remember everything in moderation, it is a clean alternative to chocolate but remember chocolate is still a sometimes food not an all the time food :) A nice tasty way to treat yourself while still eating clean.

Enjoy: Alice xx

Sunday, 12 August 2012


(Gluten free, optional dairy free)

When I'm doing competition preparation I allow myself a cheat meal once a week to make myself feel a bit more sane and often social! As I become close to competition time I try to clean up my cheat meals, I still indulge but aim for more natural alternatives, less processed foods and no added sugar. I tend to make my own clean cheats or venture to somewhere out where I know there will be delicious tasty clean meals that I still feel are indulgent, such as the new raw kitchen in Perth or my favourite Japanese restaurant are often options. 

I decided this week so attempt my own clean cheat meal recipe: Using my super food of the week: Blueberries!!! (will be posting more about the benefits of blueberries in a new blog post) YUMMM so here is the much anticipated recipe! Please note, I'm not saying this is the healthiest meal and should be eaten in moderation although it is all healthy, good natural fats and clean foods it is still slightly high in fat but no added sugar or colours/un-natural flavourings :) I have also been experimenting with raw foods and although this is not all raw ingredients it contains a lot of fantastic raw ingredients with the addition of some increased to increase the protein and lower the fat content.


1/4 cup grated coconut
3/4 cup almond meal
1/4 cup vanilla protein (I used vanilla proto whey BNRG)
3/4 cup oats (gluten free or quinoa flakes)
5-6 Dates diced
tsp cinnamon
dash salt
1/4 cup melted coconut oil

Melt coconut oil and blend all ingredients in a blender until combined, press into a pan and place in freezer while preparing top.

2.5 cups soaked cashews overnight
1 lemon rind only
3 cups blueberries
1 cup rasberries
Tsp vanilla essence/extract
1 tsp cinnamon
2 Scoops vanilla casein (or use raw vegan protein powder if prefer)
tsp vanilla stevia (optional)
3 tsp stevia/natvia
200g cottage cheese (optional if want dairy free add more protein powder)
1/4 cup shredded coconut

First drain cashews. Place in blender/mixer with everything except shredded coconut and blend for 5-10 minutes until a smooth consistency. Mix in coconut.

Pour on top of chilled based and set in fridge/freezer overnight.

ENJOY!!!! Remember this is a clean chat meal and should be enjoyed in moderation serves approx. 15 if you can control yourself :)
Alice xoxo

Monday, 6 August 2012


One of my all time favourite foods!
Sooo many benefits and such a tasty food, lucky I even get to enjoy it while on competition preparation sometimes 2-3 times a day!

But why so amazing?? So many benefits, mine and body!

1. Sweet potatoes contain large amounts of dietary fibre, meaning improved digestive and gut health as well as a more filling and satisfying food slowing digestions from the in-soluble fibre.

2. Natural sugar, complex carbohydrates which makes it the lowest in GI when compared to other starchy products. Meaning less of an impact on your blood glucose, digesting slowly and raising blood glucose gradually, meaning your also more satisfied for longer.

3. Contain twice the daily recommended vitamin A and 42% recommended vitamin C intake for a day. Vitamin C not only assists in reducing the risk of cold, flus and viruses but also plays a role in digestion, blood cell formation and lowering cortisol levels from stress.

4. Contain 4x recommended beta carotene intake per day, aiding as a precursor to vitamin A in the body, boosting immunity and strengthening eye site.

5. Small amounts of protein, iron and calcium. Also some thiamine, niacin, B6, vitamin C potassium and copper. B6 aids in reducing homocysteine in the body which has been linked the cardiac diseases. Iron is very important for those on a vegetarian diet or lack red meat in there diets, Iron assists with red/white blood cell formation and oxygenation which improves energy levels and immune function.

6. Low in calories per serve 3/4 cup of sweet potato approx. 130 calories, 25g carbohydrates, 9g sugar, 3g protein this is equivalent to having 3 snake lollies at around 38g, you will feel a lot fuller and a lot more satisfied for longer when you compare it to other carbohydrate based foods on calorie content alone.

How to enjoy them
- Bake & salt to make chips (himilayan pink salt)
- Mash and add herbs and spices
- Soup
- Mix into frittatas, quiche, omelettes etc
- Dehydrate to make crispy cold chips
- Mash and pureee to make a dip
- Use in sweet dishes also: Sweet potato pancakes, pudding, vanilla brownies etc.
- Place grilled or baked pieces on salads or wraps etc.

Sweet Potato Patties:

  • 1 cup mashed sweet potato
  • 2 whole eggs + 1 white
  • Chopped parsley 1 tbsp
  • Mixed herbs dried or fresh 1 tsp
  • Dash Himalayan rock salt and pepper
  • 1/2 cup grated zucchini
  • 1/2 cup grated carrot
  • 1/4 cup diced onion
  • 1 tbsp garlic
  • Dash of cumin
  • Dash of paprika or cayenne pepper
  • 1 Cup spinach chopped finely

Mix all ingredients well once sweet potato mash has cooled, mix well until combined and form into sticky balls, heat a pan spray with olive oil or coconut oil spray and cook for approx. 5 minutes on each side until golden brown.

Combine with a fresh piece of grilled seafood or make a burger with a kangaroo or turkey or chicken patty, a few mushroom caps, some lettuce and a layer of avocado for good fats. DELICIOUS!

Have an amazing day, train hard and eat clean: Alice Round xx
StrengthCoach and Nutritionist/SportsModel Email: or follow me on Facebook aliceround